Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Office US Season 7 - Musical Starts

Season 7 of The Office US has already entertained us with two musical introductions. Is this something more that we are going to see throughout the season?

Episode 1: "Nepotism" started with a lip syn of Human Beinz - Nobody But Me where;

Episode 3: "Andy's Play" also started where we see Andy and his Sweeney Todd cast preforming a song from the play.

Funny quotes from Episode 3: "Andy's Play"

Dwight Schrute: Last time I went to the theater a man dressed as a cat sat on my lap.

Dwight Schrute: All that singing got in the way of some perfectly good murders.

Creed Bratton: Be cool Michael I saw this guy kill a bunch of people.

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